
Hi Hi Hello Hello
Hello im Yana Liyanaa love to eating, lepakingg , blogging, and sleeping . Like shopingg ! Do i care , No money no walk HAHHA ^^ Hates anons, haters, and copypasters! make sure i will make you SHAME !

Khamis, 10 Mac 2011
@ 7:49 PG

Haa terkene !
Oh tengss bellaa , kau kene kan aku . Hhaa , Kau bolee lagi bagi link SPM kuar besok , hrr . Maty2 aku engat yee , Hm dah laa aku malas nak bace , Panjang sangat . Aduh tak bolee blaa tahu tak . Oh lupe kau pun terkene dengan surin , Same2 tegak ! Haha
Nah , Amek niee link nyeh , Aku terkene


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